From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

The Illustrator project

- [Instructor] Okay, in this chapter we are going to be making a poster for a quirky comedy club in Elmondsbury. That's a fictional place and a venue also fictionally called The Weird House. Now, my poster, or the one I'll be doing during the chapter looks something like this one although I encourage you to experiment with your own designs. As this is Illustrator and we have to make a lot of the stuff ourselves, very different to InDesign and Photoshop of course. Then I've actually gone ahead and created a document for you which we'll examine right now. If you don't have access to this document for whatever reason or this particular file just go ahead and create an 18 by 24 inch poster and make your way along as best you can. Now on the subject of inches, I tend to work in millimeters and here I have nothing selected. So my properties panel allows me to choose the measurement units that make the most sense to me. So go ahead and change that if you want to. Mainly the only units I'll be working with will be relating to type although there are a couple of other instances. But just go ahead and use your own measurements because as I said, you can vary your design. So this is the brief that I've cooked up for this particular chapter here. I'm just going to lock this layer so we don't see all of the lines as I go over it and I'll zoom in to make it easier for you to see, especially if you are on a phone and you can read this at your leisure. But essentially we have a venue and they are launching a comedy club called the Hypno-Cat Comedy Club which is named after Hector. Their cat's also fictitious and generally what they would like. So they want a quirky poster. They like all of that stuff. The colors and type are completely up to you but we'd like something sympathetic to the club logo. And then there are a few details underneath, the things they would like. Then the specifics, so the venue and details around when the event is, and by the way, Tonevember is a month that's completely my own, but you can borrow it for this particular chapter. The talent, these are the people that will be performing and then the copy that they would like on there including a direction that says they would like to keep the word that in, yes, it's that Weirdhouse emphasized in that way. I'll just go back out to the whole document here and we can have a look at the other things that we have. Okay, so we have a layer of images that are supplied just here, so we'll be able to use those. We also have the logo just here. We've got the text, so we'll be able to copy parts of that out to make it easier. And then we've also got, if I turn them all off apart from the layer we'll start drawing on, we've got this background sketch for the design that I'll be working to. But of course, as I've said a couple of times you can go ahead and vary your own. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun and we can challenge your knowledge of graphic design as we go along and even set you a few challenges. So let's go ahead and get stuck in on creating this fabulous comedy poster.
