From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

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Creating tints for the cover flaps

Creating tints for the cover flaps

- [Instructor] Let's continue our build now by adding some color to the flaps for the document. Because while there's going to be a lot of white space in the actual covers of my design here, the flaps slightly differently, I'd like to apply some color to those. We can also take a moment to do a little bit of organization rather than having everything on one spread on one layer. So I'm going to go to the layers panel just here and I'm going to rename this layer BG for background, there like so, and I'm going to add another layer above it. I'm just going to call that content just for the moment. I may change that at some point but just for the minute we'll go with that. I'm then going to select both of the images here, okay? And by the way, as they're the only things on the layout at the moment, I could use the proxy region just there. In fact, I'm going to do that. I'm clicking on that and it selects the layer's contents at…
