From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

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Creating a color theme

Creating a color theme

- [Instructor] I think now it's time we injected a little bit more color into this layout. And I'm thinking specifically of a couple of places because remember color is another way that we can communicate importance within a design and hierarchy and so much more. So what I'm thinking is because this is looking very samey throughout the images do lift that slightly but I think we need just a bit more so we could draw attention to the featured article for example, and definitely to the call to action. And if it turns out that what we decide in terms of color mean that the paragraph style has to change you've already seen how easy it is for us to do that. So let's go ahead and look at two different ways we can come up with color themes to use in our work. The first one is using the capture extension inside of Photoshop. So I'm going to click on the hero image at the top of the email and I'm then going to go to my Libraries…
