From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

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Challenge: Using type styles

Challenge: Using type styles

(cheerful music) - [Instructor] It is time for another challenge and here we go with this that relates to type styles. In our email, we have two text blocks that sit on top of colored shapes and it's probably not going to be the best for contrast in the way that I currently have them. So assuming that you have a color similar to this or darker than this, you might want to change the text. And if the opposite is true then of course react to that accordingly. But what I want you to be able to do is make the text more contrasty and also be able to emphasize in some way some of the words or phrases inside of the text, either by making them bold or italic, or both however you think it will work best in your design. So have a think about how you're going to approach it and then in the next movie we'll have a look at how I would've solved it.
