From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign

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Challenge: Build the wireframe

Challenge: Build the wireframe

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] It's time for your first challenge in this chapter, and the challenge is for you to complete a layout. Now, what I'm going to do here is I'm actually going to delete all of the things that I've just added by going to the layers panel here and selecting those four things. So we should have two frames potentially and a text frame and a rectangle. So I'm just going to go ahead and delete those, which will leave us just with the art board and layer one, which should be there by default. If not, you can always add a layer if you need to. I'm going to zoom out, command zero, so I can see the whole file. And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the file menu. I'm going to come down to place linked and then navigate into the exercise files for this course and into extras. Now, if you don't have access to this, what you can do is when this is placed inside the file in a moment, you…
