From the course: Intro to Virtual Reality (VR) Filmmaking

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Storyboards: Visualize your story

Storyboards: Visualize your story

- [Instructor] Storyboards are a typical way a director will communicate their vision of a film. They're typically done in low quality drawings, as they're the tool to communicate the angles of the cameras, the position of the actors, and what will happen from one camera setup to another. In this case of a VR film they'll communicate the same thing, and also allow to see how the flow of the story can evolve with the audience engagement. It is also a guide for all departments to understand which assets, models, or environments needs to be more detailed versus being far in the frame, and can be put together faster. You take the screenplay and start putting some ideas of how the entire story will look visually. So, let's take a look at how you'd execute this with Storyboarder. Again, I'm always trying to use tools that will allow me to be creative and get to the job, as opposed to learn the tool. The Storyboarder is one of them. So, let's go ahead and create a new storyboard. So, if you…
