From the course: Intro to Virtual Reality (VR) Filmmaking

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Character and environment concepts

Character and environment concepts

- [Instructor] Your audience will live within a world you'll create, and possibly interact with other characters. Once you've defined your story and the potential camera angles and flow of your story, the next step is to create the visual style of your story. This is where a concept artist, or yourself, will create these drawings so everyone on your team has an idea of what to create. Creating concepts is beyond the scope of this course, and if you're familiar with what concept art is, then feel free to skip this video. In short, concepts are drawings that represent a fully-rendered character or environment, and this is where the team starts seeing the vision realized. You either hire an artist or do them yourself, and as I mentioned previously, Adobe Photoshop is typically the tool used for this. So what needs to be achieved in concept art? You need to capture the mood of the scene, environment, or characters, and this is achieved through carefully choosing the right colors, shades…
