From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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Responsive CSS with view units

Responsive CSS with view units

- [Instructor] So as you can see, I've created some more HTML structure for our page. We had the content element before and I've added a presentation element, if you look at our mock-up again. In our HTML design, content is equated to this gray background. This is just what our presentation is floating on. The presentation element would equate with this white square which is going to contain our slides. And then the slide itself, would be this curved box. And then these text elements, I've created a new tag called HP title. And that's where I'm gonna put all the text. And I can style that however I like. Once again, by discarding the H1 tag, now I can choose to style it however I want to. So I've created the structure. Let's go back and look at the browser and see how close our presentation is to our dream. And as you can see, not close at all. So now we need to start thinking about how to structure this application so that it can look good on every screen from a mobile phone all the…
