From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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CSS selector specificity

CSS selector specificity

- [Instructor] So here we are looking at our pretty well formatted slide, I did make one minor change, I changed the font size so that the words doesn't belong don't wrap. So if you're following along, you're gonna wanna make that change yourself, or you should get the latest exercise files for this video and you'll see it. Now, this is exciting, we get to move to the next slide. So as you can see, when we go from the first slide to the second, I wanna emphasize that the circle was what they should've clicked on, and so what we're gonna do later is whenever someone clicks on anywhere on the presentation, we're just gonna advance to this slide, it doesn't matter what they click on. But the way I wanna emphasize it is I want to show the circle growing, and I wanna show all the other shapes shrinking. Now there are a few different strategies for doin' this, the one that I'm going to use, and it's one of the simpler strategies, is I'm just going to transition from one slide to the next…
