From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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- [Instructor] Now we need to work on moving from this chooser configuration when we have these four images inside of our chooser component to the learning configuration where we just have the one element, if you'll look back at our mockup. We want to get to the state where we have our one chosen element, in this case, the circle, in the center. So let's go back to the code and work on getting that to happen. The way we're gonna do it is I'm gonna start in my HTML file and I like to use decent semantics. You know I wanna go into the HTML and make it fairly clear what I want to do. In this case, on the third slide here, the how did you know slide, I'm gonna say, instead of the chooser being in the chosen state, I'm gonna create a new state called fixed. And what that's gonna mean is I'm gonna hide everything that isn't chosen and only show the chosen element and make it bigger and so there are a couple of changes I'm gonna make in the style sheet for that. Let's go back up to the main…
