From the course: InfraWorks and ArcGIS: AEC Collaboration

Introduction to ArcGIS Online

- [Narrator] To get started with your ArcGIS online trial subscription, head over to the ArcGIS AEC Collections page and if you want you can just have a browse around, see what they're offering you, what a Collection is, whether you want to use field operations, site selections, lots of good information over here. On the Free Trial page, what you want to do is you just want to fill this out. Fill out the form for your ArcGIS online trial. One thing to remember that the company name that you put in will become part of your organization name. So try not to use anything that will be used in a production environment. I've selected that we're interested in location and design, field operations, and site selection collections. We're not going to actually use these, but they are worth having a look at if you are serious about taking your collaboration between Infoworks and ArcGIS online into production. You want to agree to the privacy statement and if you want to stay up to date with content, then choose that particular option. Hit Submit. One thing to notice, your trial will begin once you hit Submit. You'll still need to activate your trial. So clock will be ticking, even if you haven't activated your trial. So once you do this, don't delay. You will see a webpage that says your activation email has been sent and it will enable you to activate your trial subscription and start using ArcGIS online. So without delay, let's head over to our email and activate our ArcGIS online account. Over in your email, you will have received an email from esri. Click to open this and you can activate your trial. Click the activate your trial button and you will be taken to a page where you can start setting up your new username and your password. You want to create a username, so let's try JaneGIS. Ah, this one isn't available. So you may have to play around with a couple of iterations to find a username which is available, so let's try just adding some numbers at the end. That's still not available. Let's try something else. Let's use that one. Oh there we go. That one's available for us. You want to give yourself a password as well, give yourself a good strength password, confirm your password, and give yourself a security question. Now rest assured that I did not go on my first date to Paris, so it's not like I'm breaking any security protocols over here. Accept the terms and conditions and hit activate my trial. Once your trial collections are ready, you'll have a link where you can go to your ArcGIS online trial and get started.
