From the course: InDesign: Typography

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Text insets

Text insets

- [Instructor] The go-to dialog when you want to affect your column options is text frame options. And this you can access under the object menu, Command or Control + B, a keyboard shortcut worth committing to memory. You can also access text frame options if you hold down the Option or Alt key and just double click on a selected text frame. So I want to just point out a few things here. This first text frame has inset spacing. It's even inset spacing and it's functioning as an inner margin. So rather than apply the indents to the text, I've applied an inset to the frame. Also, the text is aligned to the center, so there should be an exact amount of space, top and bottom, which is in this case not so important because I'm also applying this option auto-size. So auto-size in this case height only, so it's going to grow or shrink from the bottom. Now I have a movie coming up about auto-sizing, but for now, I just want to point out that with auto-size on, if I were to add text, the frame…
