From the course: InDesign: Typography

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- [Instructor] In this next few movies, I'm going to be talking about typographic composition, how we can achieve well spaced professional-looking type with a good type color. And by type color, I mean an even density. And that involves using hyphenation. Hyphenation is part of the equation. Now, many people don't like hyphens, so I'm here to speak up for the humble hyphen. If you want to turn hyphenation off, it's right there on the control panel, but you don't always want to turn it off. And if you do so, you will create more problems than you solve. So in general, I'd say for your continuous reading text, you probably do want to hyphenate it, but you need custom hyphenation settings to avoid getting consecutive hyphens, to avoid things like hyphenating the first line and just having too many hyphens. Hyphens are okay, they're an acceptable compromise when used in small doses, but definitely we do not want to hyphenate headlines, subheads, captions, et cetera. And if the text is…
