From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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Using drop caps

Using drop caps

- [Instructor] Much of the art of design revolves around drawing your reader's eye to where you want them to look. And one of the best ways to draw the eye to the beginning of a story or a section is with a drop cap. InDesign lets you easily apply a drop cap to any paragraph and the most direct path to a drop cap is the control panel. So let's place our cursor inside this first paragraph and then zoom into a hundred percent with a command or control one. Remember, you don't have to select the whole paragraph to apply paragraph formatting. Just having the cursor flashing in there is enough. Next, we want to make sure our control panel is in paragraph mode. Yep, there it is. And then we're going to come over here to the middle and apply a drop cap. Let's set this value to something larger than one. You can type a number in there or just click the little up arrow next to the field. There's two lines and there's three lines.…
