From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

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The danger and power of unnamed colors

The danger and power of unnamed colors - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign 2023 Essential Training

The danger and power of unnamed colors

- [Instructor] Some people spec all their colors far ahead of ever applying them in their documents. Others like working more interactively, playing with colors as they lay out a page. And you can work either way in InDesign, but if you're in the play as you go corner you're probably going to like using the color panel. You can find the color panel by going to the window menu, choosing from the color sub menu, and then choosing color. I'm going to apply a new color to this text frame over here so I'll select it with the selection tool. Now, inside the color panel menu in the upper right corner I'm going to choose a color mode. Usually you would choose HSB, RGB or CMYK. RGB and HSB are actually both ways to define an RGB color, and that's fine if you're creating a document for on-screen viewing. But in this case, let's choose CMYK. Now, from here you can dial in the colors exactly the way you want them by typing in the values…
