From the course: Illustrator for Web Design

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Seamless backgrounds

Seamless backgrounds

- [Instructor] Seamless and tiled backgrounds are great for both website backgrounds and just for use in all kinds of design and layout work. They often display behind your site content and they can add visual elements to help set the tone for your site. A repeating background is particularly useful when working with textures where you need a larger overall background rather than the small image that you have to work with. Or you just want to reduce file size. Often a background image is used for texture and interest, but it's not necessary for the overall content portion. In this case, it's very important not to use a large image that can impact bandwidth. A better solution is to use a small image and repeat it. Here I have some examples of tiling backgrounds that I've created. As you can see, they're going to simply fill the shape that I have and resize based on the size of that shape. If we go into the swatch panel, my tiled backgrounds are being stored here. I'm gonna select this…
