From the course: Human Resources: Selecting an HR System

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Why you may need an HR system

Why you may need an HR system

- There are many factors that can spur the need to purchase a human resource information system. There may be a general dissatisfaction with your existing HRIS. Perhaps it's a legacy system that's difficult to use. Perhaps it doesn't have all the features that you're after. Maybe it fails to do a good job of tying into other programs like your applicant tracking system or the learning management system. Not all HRIS fit all employers. Some are geared towards different employer sizes and industries. Perhaps you now have 25 employees and are looking to see how technology can help you to better manage this part of your business. Your payroll company says they have a solution, but you're also looking at alternatives. You may also have a change in company size or operations. Perhaps you've been growing at light speed and now you have multistate or multinational operations. Maybe the existing payroll function in the HRIS isn't designed for that level of complexity. There may be a merger, an…
