From the course: HTML Essential Training

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When to use tables

When to use tables

- You might have heard somewhere along the way that HTML tables are evil, that you should never use a table, or at least that's what some people have heard or thought they heard but it's not true. It's not bad to use an HTML table for tabular data. In fact you should use an HTML table when your content is a table, absolutely. What you should not do is misuse HTML table elements and pretend that you're making a table when you're not. The whole point of semantic HTML is to tell computers everywhere what the thing you have is. What is it? If you have a button, use the button element. If you have a table, use the table elements. So why are people so sore about this? How did the message get scrambled so badly that people are scared of HTML tables? Well, a long time ago, when the web was a tiny baby, we did not have CSS. We did not have any proper tools for styling or laying out our content on a web page. Those things had…
