From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Structuring content

Structuring content - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML Essential Training

Structuring content

- We just took and in-depth look at what could happen in the document head. Now, what is the typical overall structure of what goes on inside body? There are six major elements here to learn, main, header, footer, article, section, and aside. The main element wraps around the main content of the page. It's only used once per webpage, and it tells the browser, this is where the main content is. The header and footer elements are used to mark places on the page where the content is a header or a footer. Now, don't confuse header with head. Head is part of our HTML document that's never displayed to users where the metadata for the file lives. Header is used to wrap site headers, article headers, headers in the content. Most web pages have a header at the top. Maybe with the logo, the site name, the navigation. That's a header. An article frequently starts with a title, maybe a subtitle, perhaps an author's name,…
