From the course: HTML Essential Training

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- So far, we've been talking about HTML elements that help us mark up passages of text on a page. Paragraphs, headlines, bold and italic... Lists. What about including a quote? Let's look at this quote from Jeremy Keith. Now, basically this is a paragraph. So, let's wrap it in P tags. We can use the cite element to credit Jeremy as the person who said this. And we can wrap the whole thing in a block quote element. To distinguish it from the surrounding text. These two elements cite and block quote are being used for their semantic value. To convey to other computers, "Hey, this is what this is". They're also convenient places to use the target styling. We can make each of these elements look however we want using CSS. We can make the block quotes stand out and look special. In this example inside the block quote element we have two paragraphs and the cite. We can put any element inside this block quote. We…
