From the course: HTML Essential Training

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- Let's look at the paragraph element in action. Here, I've got three paragraphs of text. Now, where am I? Well, this is a website called CodePen, where anyone can quickly make a demo or an experiment by typing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into these panes. And it will show you the results on another part of the page. You could surf around CodePen and see other people's little coding experiments. If you bring up this demo in your browser, then you can edit it, messing around and seeing what happens. You don't need a CodePen account to try out these demos. Mess around with it. If you want to save a copy of these demos for yourself, along with any changes that you want to make, a basic CodePen account is free. And don't worry, you can change as much of these demos as you want, and you won't be changing the originals. CodePen makes you your own copy. I thought I'd use CodePen for this to make it easier for us to get right to…
