From the course: HTML Essential Training

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How to keep learning and HTML specifications

How to keep learning and HTML specifications - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML Essential Training

How to keep learning and HTML specifications

- Well there you go. HTML is an incredibly important part of the web. If you use the right HTML element for the right job, you start from a place of great strength. Making your project understandable to voice interfaces, search engines, social media. Using the power that's built right into the browser for a variety of devices and users. You're using the power of the web as it's designed. There's more to know about HTML. Especially as the language slowly continues to evolve. And there's many great resources out there for finding out more about HTML. Or more importantly, for quickly looking up something that you sort of remember but you totally can't quite remember the details. MDN Web Docs is a fantastic place to find authoritative reference documentation. It's kind of like looking up things in a dictionary. MDN describes each element, each attribute, what it's for, how to write the code. It has code examples, browser…
