From the course: HTML Essential Training

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- Let's talk about headlines. Webpages often have a lot of titles, headlines and sub-headlines. In long passages of text, they help break up the pages content to make it easier for people to understand the structure of what's on the page. On Landing pages, those headlines are the content. Titles of things people can click and go on to read more. There are headlines everywhere. Let's look at the HTML elements for marking up headlines. There isn't just one element for headlines, there are six, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6. Let's look at these running in a browser. You can see that each headline has a different effect visually. These ideas of hierarchy also carry through to all the non-visual ways the browser understand and communicate about the page. H1 is the biggest, or rather the loudest, the most prominent, h6 is the smallest, the quietest, the most sub, sub, sub-headline, and the rest fits…
