From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Examples of putting it all together

Examples of putting it all together - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML Essential Training

Examples of putting it all together

- Let's start putting the pieces together. I hope that gives you a sense of how we're going to assemble our webpages out of hundreds of nested elements, each conveying meaning and each playing off of each other, adding up to a whole. When I'm not sure what the best way to mark up a page is I travel around the web, finding similar sites, and I use developer tools to see how other folks have decided to use HTML elements in their content. The exact way we combine these HTML elements is different every time we make a webpage. It's hard to be if sure we're doing it right because the right way to do it always depends on what the content is, and what the page is for. In fact, usually there are several good ways to do it, and none of them are necessarily right or better. There's a bit of an art to structuring HTML. We have a lot of creative freedom here. We are, after all, trying to represent human communication in code, and while…
