From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Document head

Document head

- What goes inside the head? Well, remember how we talked about specifying which character set you're using? That goes here. It's not content that you want you users to see. It's information about this website that you want the browser to know. We use the meta element for this. Use meta elements only inside the head. It conveys metadata about the page. To define the character set, we'll use the character set attribute, and set it to UTF-8, like this. Before we talk about what else can be conveyed through meta tags, let's first make sure we include something that's required on every webpage, the title element. This is not a title that gets displayed as content. This is a title for the webpage that's used by the browser. It shows up as the name on a browser tab, or as a bookmark title when someone bookmarks it. The name of the page, if it's listed under top sites when a user opens a new browser. Any place the interface…
