From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Captions and subtitles

Captions and subtitles - HTML Tutorial

From the course: HTML Essential Training

Captions and subtitles

- It's pretty amazing that we can put audio and video on a website. But not everyone can always hear or understand the audio. Some people are completely deaf. Other people can hear sometimes certain things and certain conditions but not all the time. And for people who can hear, well they can't always listen. Sometimes people would listen to a video, but they're some place where they can't use speakers and they don't have headphones. Or they are listening, but they can't really understand the people who are talking because of an unfamiliar accent, or maybe the person who is talking is talking way too fast. There's a good chance that you're experiencing any of theses conditions right now. And you're using the captions for this video. On the web we have the power that we need to provide content in multiple ways simultaneously. So let's add captions and make our video more accessible to everyone. To do this…
