From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Engaging in Office Hours - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Engaging in Office Hours

- [Narrator] If you like learning, you'll love Office Hours or discussions, interviews and open Q&As on trending topics are hosted live by industry experts. Office Hours are live events hosted on LinkedIn. Because they're live, you can engage with instructors and other attendees in real time. You can also watch past events that have already taken place on demand, similar to LinkedIn Learning courses. Let's take a look at how you can find these Office Hours to see if there's any that you would be interested in. Now, the first thing that I want to point out is that if you're taking a course and the author of that course has office hours coming up, you'll see that on the course page. Right now, I'm going to select a course. Here, it's Entrepreneurship Foundations by Kim Kaupe, and you'll see here that Kim has office hours coming up. On the bottom right, it says here, live office hours with experts, and then shows that Office Hour, Applying For Jobs The Right Way with Allison Peck. I can click on it and it will bring me to that event. Next, let's take a look at how we can see all of the events that are coming up. In order to do this, I'm going to navigate over to the left to my content section. I'll click here. And this is where we can see role guides, the different business topics in the library. And if I scroll all the way down to the bottom, you'll see it's kind of hidden here but it is a hidden gem. This is where Office Hours are. And if I go ahead and click on Explore Office hours, it will take me to this page, showing me all of the upcoming office hours. Here, it'll say the title, it'll tell you who it's by, as well as how many people are interested in attending. Now, if you find one you're interested in, you can click on it. It will tell you more information about it. And you can also go up here to share that with your feed or as a message or on other platforms. And you can also click on attend. So if this is something I wanted to attend, I'd click here, and it will then add me to that list. Because Office Hour events are live, they're often a great source for learning insights on late breaking news. They're also a great way to listen to experts discuss the kind of topics that they cover in their LinkedIn learning courses. The live comment feed enables you to ask questions and make comments as you're watching. I highly recommend checking this out. It's a great way to take your learning to the next level and stay up to date and informed about your industry or other topics.
