From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Additional certifications and certification prep - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: How to Use LinkedIn Learning

Additional certifications and certification prep

- [Instructor] Anytime you complete a course on LinkedIn Learning, you receive a Certificate of Completion that you can share with your network. There are some courses and learning paths on LinkedIn Learning, however, that can help you earn additional certifications from third parties or practice for certification exams. Right now, I'm on my homepage, but I want to go to the side navigation bar on the left, and at the bottom is the Certifications icon. I'm going to click here, and this brings me to the Certifications page. Now up at the top, I can see that the first section is Professional Certificates, and it's showing me some of the third parties here that you can get certificates from, including Microsoft, ServiceNow, GitHub, Zendesk, and so on. Now I'm going to go over to the right and click Show All, and it will show all of the courses and learning paths that you can take to earn certification. Here, you can narrow it down by types of certification and so on. Again, you can use the filters up at the top. I'm going to go ahead and click back though. So, those certifications provide a great way for you not only to develop new skills, but then to also receive that certification that you can showcase or add to your resume. Now, LinkedIn Learning also offers over 2,000 courses that prepare learners for off platform certifications. Back on this Certifications page, the second thing down is Certification Peparation. If I click on Show All, it shows me all of the cert prep classes. So for these, you don't receive a certification, but they will help you for passing the exams and what you need to do in order to pass those certifications. Then finally, down below there is another section, Certification Practice Exams, and here are some of the practice exams that you can take to get ready for when you'd have to take the real one to get the certification. So there are a lot of practice tools on here. Now, down below this is an opportunity for continuing education credits. That's something we'll talk about in another video though. One final thing I want to point out on this video is how you can tell if a course on LinkedIn Learning is eligible for any certificates. I'm going to navigate to a course. So now I've navigated to a course called Cybersecurity Foundations, and this is the course page for that in the Overview tab. Now here in Related To This Course, you can see certificates. If I click on this, Show All, it shows me all the certificates I would earn. So again, I would earn that LinkedIn Learning certificate that you earn for every course. But on this one, you have a chance to earn the NASBA certification. It says, complete this course and pass the exam with a score of at least 70%. Below that, there's one for PMI. So, that is how you can tell when you're inside of a course whether or not it has any additional certifications. So take advantage of these opportunities for certifications or certification preps to continue your professional development.
