From the course: How to Sell on Value, Not Price

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Solving customer problems

Solving customer problems

- One of the best sales presentations I've ever seen was someone selling CRM software. And they took a unique approach to their presentation. Before he did anything, he asked every person in the room what they wanted to see what problem they had that they needed solving, what reservations they had about a new piece of software, and what questions they'd want to know before committing to the product. He went around the room and asked one by one and wrote each answer on a whiteboard. He then asked if I can cross off every point on this board is there any reason why you wouldn't proceed? Everyone said no. Then as he went through his presentation, if a question was answered, he would ask the individual if they were happy with the answer, and if they said yes he would put a line right through the point on the board and throughout the presentation he kept doing it, done, done, done. And if any were left at the end he'd clear…
