From the course: How to Sell on Value, Not Price

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Linking benefits to needs

Linking benefits to needs

- Now we understand exactly what a benefit is and how to position it, the next part of selling on value is to link those benefits to their needs. Remember what I said, people don't buy features, they buy benefits. They don't buy wireless headphones for the fact they're wireless, they buy the lack of stress over getting tangled in wires. So, what are our customer's needs? What annoys them and what keeps them up at night? We need to be looking at emotional needs here, not technical requirements like size, weight, color or speed, unless that carries onto an emotional benefit. Let's look at an example. Let's say you sell project management software and your customer has complained about the difficulties of working with team members. The fact they can't collaborate easily is adding stress to their lives and potentially resulting in missing deadlines. That is a very emotional response, the discussion of stress and the fear…
