From the course: How to Sell on Value, Not Price

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Converting features into benefits

Converting features into benefits

- Differentiating between features, advantages, and benefits can get a little tricky. Features are obvious, it's the things your product or service do, but sometimes it's tricky to separate advantages and benefits. And even before then, it's easy to lose the habit and forget to talk about advantages and benefits at all. So here's two simple phrases that I use to help myself both remember to do it and to help make the divide. And it's just to say, so what that means is, and then you say, and therefore, that's it. I've made a downloadable found in the exercise files of this course with a simple guide to help you write your own down. Those phrases force your mind to work and come to an advantage and then to a benefit. Because an advantage is a result of a feature and then a benefit is a result of an advantage. So here are a few examples. Let's say you're selling headphones that are wireless. That's a feature. So what…
