From the course: How to Run Great Sales Call Reviews

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Understanding seller psychology

Understanding seller psychology

- When you are dealing with a human, you're dealing with their mind. The human mind is a complex mix of hopes and fears, values and beliefs, experiences and expectations. Every salesperson on your team and in your go-to market organization has a unique set of these factors. I love to speak at sales kickoffs because it's a chance to experience the values of the organization behind the salespeople, and really understand how they think. Six weeks ago, I was speaking in Europe at a sales kickoff for a software company. The topic was effective sales coaching for sales leaders. We had a highly engaging session on coaching psychology and what it takes to successfully coach a 21st century sales team. Feedback was excellent. People told me they came away with ideas, insights, and practical inspiration. One thing everyone agrees on is this. If you lead a sales team and want to coach a sales team, you have to understand the seller psychology. In other words, you have to understand the psychology…
