From the course: How to Put a Customer On Hold: A Business English Primer

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Use these English phrases when you put someone on hold

Use these English phrases when you put someone on hold

From the course: How to Put a Customer On Hold: A Business English Primer

Use these English phrases when you put someone on hold

- [Lindsay] Oh my gosh. So the first one that Fabian mentioned let you hold. - [Aubrey] So you might hear, I'm going to let you hold a moment or you can let me hold while you find out. Right, so you'll definitely hear this. I don't use it as commonly as some other phrases that we're going to share in just a minute, but definitely grammatically accurate to say I need to let you hold. - [Lindsay] Interesting, yeah. I don't use this at all, so it's a little different for me, this one, but yeah. - [Aubrey] I feel like the second one is more like instead of saying I'm going to let you hold, I think there are more natural ways to say that, but I do feel like I will hear someone say, you can let me hold a minute while you find out if they're like, ooh, I need to check about that. - [Lindsay] Right, yeah. - [Aubrey] Give permission. - [Lindsay] Yeah, I could see that more in context for sure. - [Aubrey] Yeah, definitely. So then the second one Fabian mentioned was leave you on hold or in the…
