From the course: How to Generate Marketing Leads with AI

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Using essential AI technologies

Using essential AI technologies

- There are so many different ways that AI can bolster your lead generation strategies. It is going to be one of those things that I like to say is going to take your strengths to the next level, but it's also going to be something that's going to allow to provide a crutch for some of your weaknesses when it comes to creating lead generation. A few of those ways that I think that are going to be very critical for leveraging AI into your lead generation strategy, number one, is going to be how are you generating and creating those leads. That's something that all businesses are looking for, is more leads, but not just more of any leads, more high-quality leads. So there's going to be a lot of tools that are coming out that are going to help you automate that process, automate it in an efficient way. I'm thinking of a tool called, for example. One of the really cool things that it does is it actually creates…
