From the course: How to Generate Marketing Leads with AI

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AI driven customer segmentation

AI driven customer segmentation

- Customer segmentation, when you start speaking about incorporating AI, is taking your customers and breaking them down into even smaller and even deeper subsets. And that can still be very broad. And especially when you start talking about the size of the audience. So when you start talking about using and leveraging AI in your customer segmentation, now you start talking about taking deeper dives into deeper segments. So now we're talking about moving way beyond just the demographics. Now we start talking about leveraging behaviors. We start talking about leveraging psychographics, all really key things when it comes to truly dialing in to who your ideal audience is going to be. And so some of the benefits are going to be, number one, personalization. That's much, much, much more deeper. So again, imagine not just knowing that your target audience is a woman, for example, but that it's a woman that behaves a certain…
