From the course: How Startups Find Problems Worth Solving

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Key takeaways and exercise

Key takeaways and exercise

(bright music) - In this lesson, you learned where innovative ideas come from. Innovation often occurs when you are a lead user. Lead users are the first people in the market to experience a certain need. In MIT classrooms, we say that their requirements predate the general market demand. This process can happen when you use an existing innovation in a new context. Julio devised his laryngoscope to use an unstable environments, like inside a helicopter. Now, let's apply this thinking to your life. Let's take stock of the problems that you have. Take some paper and a pen, and of course if you're still driving, just think about it in your mind. Write down as many problems as come to mind. At work, at home, or in your hobbies. After you've done that, let's prioritize the problems. List what you've written in the order of importance. Let's ask, why are some problems more important than others? Other patterns that you see.…
