From the course: How Startups Find Problems Worth Solving

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Context of use

Context of use

(chipper music) - Now, let me ask you, are you a lead user? How could you become one? Do you know lead users? If not, how could you find them? Learn from them? Asking these questions will allow you to innovate for tomorrow to anticipate future markets. This is where the real opportunities are. Now, let's dissect this case study a bit further. What gave Julio the opportunity to experience a need for a better laryngoscope? There was a change in the context of use. Remember this concept, context of use. Julio went from doing intubations in ICUs to doing intubations in extreme conditions. The change in the context proved that existing laryngoscopes were insufficient for effective use outside of ICUs. And suddenly, there was a clear need for a better product. What does this mean for you? Whenever you change your context of use, you are likely to experience new, unexpected problems which lead to new, unexpected needs.…
