From the course: How Startups Find Problems Worth Solving

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Case study: Julio Alonso

Case study: Julio Alonso

- Let's talk about where innovative ideas come from. In this regard, I'd like to tell you a story about my friend Julio Alonso. Julio is an emergency doctor. He is from Spain, but he lives and works in Australia. He's an expert at a common procedure for medical emergencies, it's called intubation. This is when a tube is inserted into the lungs of a patient with a device called the laryngoscope to supply oxygen. This is a really delicate procedure. It is generally performed by highly trained physicians in highly controlled conditions of a professional ICU. Unfortunately, intubations still result in a lot of injuries. Here is why, you're driving a hard medical instrument alongside very sensitive human tissue. And what's more, you have no visibility. It's all touch and feel. Now, the intubation challenge becomes even harder when you take away the highly controlled conditions of a professional ICU. A stable hospital bed,…
