From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

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View Quick Insights for a tile

View Quick Insights for a tile - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Getting Started with Power BI

View Quick Insights for a tile

- [Instructor] There's one more power tool that's specific to dashboards and dashboard tiles, and that's the ability to view insights. If I'd like to get insights about my data, then first I need to choose the tile that I'd like to have, Power BI Explorer for me. And I'm scrolling down to total units for 2014 by month manufacturer. Click the more button in the upper right-hand corner and choose view insights, and we'll be taken into focus mode. And the first time you do this it might take a minute to fill some in. As long as this light bulb icon is there, it's still working. And each of these insights is being represented in a visualization, and it's looking at the data that sits underneath this particular tile. So the first two tell me that there is a correlation between total units and city. That's weird and interesting, and between total units and the category. But it tells us for example that we're looking here…
