From the course: Generative AI Tools for Productivity and Research

Working with Google Gemini

- [Wuraola] Gemini is Google's AI Assistant, to get started working with it, go to If you're already signed into your Google account, the chat interface will open automatically. If you're not signed in, you will be prompted to log in with your Google account. The chat interface is intuitive. On the top left corner, you can expand or collapse the menu. Then the new chat icon that provides dedicated chat interface for different topics. You can also toggle between open ones. At the lower left corner, there are icons for Help, Activity, and Settings. With Help, you can inquire about privacy, check for updates, popular resources, and frequently asked questions. Under Activity, you can opt in an out of saving Gemini app activity and see previous activities too. And with Settings, you can interact with extensions, manage your public chat links, and toggle the color theme. While Gemini Advanced offers additional features for a subscription fee, this course will focus on the core functionalities available in the free version. To get the most out of generative AI tools like Gemini, you need to be confident in prompting. It's similar to the internet. Everyone has access, but expertise in using search engines and evaluating information makes a big difference in finding relevant results. Let's get familiar with how Gemini works through the demo prompts available. Let's say, help me to pick a movie to watch based on genre. So this prompt says, "I want to watch a Victorian period romance. Provide a detailed ranked list of recommendation." This is a prompt checking about movies. Let me check for Nigerian movies. Okay, so now I have decided to ask Gemini to help to look Nigerian movies and then it has brought out some and also includes link to the IMDB database where it's probably extracted it from. And yes, these are Nigerian movies, I've seen a couple of them. So Gemini has helped to recommend Nigerian movies. Let's try another prompt. Let's try creating a product to help people swim, (Wuraola typing) suggest names. Okay, so based on my prompt of creating a product to help people swim, Gemini is suggesting different names based on different things like based on the benefit of swimming, like a Effortless Glide, I think I like that. AquaBoost, SwimSure, Confident Kick, and Water Wings. And then there are descriptive names like SwimBuddy, StrokeMaster, Pool Pal, and then creative names. And then it even suggested children's swimming products like Little Swimmers, Finny Friends, Splish 'n Splash. So these are all suggestions and every time you prompt, you are responsible to gauge the answers, to check them to see if they fit your use case. And another thing you can do, is that Gemini typically suggests about three draft. So in the draft two here, it also includes the rationale for each of the names, and the same with draft three. So you can always toggle between the output to see if it fits the type of question that you have, and you can provide further prompts to refine the answers. So if this is the first time you prompting, yay, you have successfully done your first prompting and I'm looking forward to you doing more.
