From the course: Generative AI Tools for Productivity and Research

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Image description with Google Gemini

Image description with Google Gemini

- [Instructor] If you have a good quality image, upload it, and Gemini can describe it. For this exercise, you can upload image one provided in your exercise file and then enter a prompt like this, "Describe the uploaded image." So Gemini can describe images that are uploaded. For example, it says in this image, it can see it a binocular microscope with a long and cylindrical body at the center of the image, which is true. It described it further by saying it has two eyepiece, which are parts that you look through, and it also attempted to estimate the angle. It says there's a stage beneath the eyepiece, which is true, and it described the eyepiece further. It says a light source illuminates the slides from below the stage, which is also true, and then it says to the left of the microscope is a rack holding multiple test tubes, and then it went on to describe the function of test tubes, that they are used to hold liquid or perform small chemical reactions. Okay. It also says the…
