From the course: Generative AI Tools for Productivity and Research

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Generative AI tools

Generative AI tools

- Generative AI tools are powered by software that leverage generative machine learning algorithms. These algorithms used alone or in combination, enable the tools to generate new content across various data types. For a tool to be generative, it typically requires users to provide some level of input in form of text prompts. And generative AI tools can be categorized as generalist or specialist based on the domain or even data types. Generative AI tools are making waves across industries and domains, and these tools are typically subscription-based, although many offer free features. There are generalist ones like ChatGPT by OpenAI, Gemini, formerly Bard by Google, Claude by Anthropic, and Microsoft Copilot. And then the domain specific ones for writing and content creation like Jasper, Grammarly, and, generative journalism and content curation like Heliograf and Compose. For design and creativity like Canva and Microsoft Designer. For image synthesis and style transfer, like…
