From the course: Generative AI Tools for Productivity and Research

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Create a simple brand kit with Microsoft Copilot Designer

Create a simple brand kit with Microsoft Copilot Designer

From the course: Generative AI Tools for Productivity and Research

Create a simple brand kit with Microsoft Copilot Designer

- [Instructor] Let's say you're starting a podcast; you may want to create a brand kit. Microsoft Copilot Designer can help you with this. Let's start by asking what is a brand kit? Okay, so now Designer is telling us what the brand kit is: and it's a collection of design elements that represents a company's or an individual's brand identity. It says it typically includes the brand's logo, color palette, typography, and other visual assets. And the goal is that it ensures consistency across all marketing and communication materials. So it's like a toolbox that contains everything you need to present your brand, in this case, your podcast, consistently to the world. So when you're creating business cards, product videos, presentations, or social media posts, a brand kit helps to maintain a cohesive and recognizable brand image. So for our use case, let's create a hypothetical brand kit for "Tech in Yoruba." So this is a prompt for this: I am starting a podcast named "Tech in Yoruba."…
