From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

Visualizing how generative AI can be used in TA: Use cases

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

Visualizing how generative AI can be used in TA: Use cases

- What do you think is the lowest hanging fruit use case for GenAI and recruitment? If you answered creating, improving job descriptions and job postings, you'd be right. Here, I'll walk you through some of the more creative and interesting use cases for GenAI and talent acquisition. Now, there's nothing wrong with using GenAI for job descriptions and ads. Producing well-written content can be time consuming and not all of us are excellent writers in the first place. Studies have shown that GenAI solutions can positively impact productivity, especially when it comes to writing and editing tasks. In fact, an MIT study showed a 40% productivity increase with work output quality improving with continued use. But GenAI is capable of so much more than generating text. For example, there are text-to image generation solutions like Midjourney that can turn anyone into a talented artist or photographer with the ability to create stunning images from a simple text prompt. You could use this kind of GenAI to create unique and personalized images to include in your candidate outreach messaging to catch their attention and earn a response. Say goodbye to stock images because you can create practically anything you can imagine for your website, job advertisements, social media posts, including photorealistic images. Going one step further, GenAI solutions for text-to-voice can be used to give a very human voice to chatbots and allow you to create and share personalized voice messages to potential candidates from hiring managers. Some of these solutions allow you to clone a person's voice so you could even send custom messages from your CEO, in their own voice, to key candidates and people who have just accepted offers. This is a capability that simply didn't exist before. It's not practical to have your hiring managers and executives recording messages on a daily basis for candidates and new hires, but now it's as easy as typing. Perhaps the ultimate GenAI capability combines audio and video where solutions allow you to create engaging videos within minutes by choosing from over a hundred lifelike avatars and typing in the script. These solutions have the ability to speak in over 100 languages, and some can even clone someone within your company, like a key executive. No more expensive video shoots. Now, you can create videos on demand for a variety of use cases like employee testimonials, messages from key employees and avatar led candidate screening interviews for a standardized and unbiased hiring process for all candidates. There are many forms of GenAI beyond text generation to include image, voice and full video generation. When you examine your talent acquisition processes take some time to think about where you might have inefficiencies in work production and where there are opportunities to improve experiences. Consider how one or more of the various forms of generative AI could be a benefit to you and your company.
