From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

How generative AI can facilitate internal mobility

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

How generative AI can facilitate internal mobility

- Does talent acquisition only apply to external hires? What about hiring from within? Let's take a look at how Gen AI can help recruiters by facilitating internal mobility and increasing retention, therefore reducing recruiting required for backfilling roles. While some companies have a well-meaning approach to internal mobility by offering employees access to an internal job board for them to search, this is far from an ideal experience. It's also quite limited and inefficient. Basic keyword capabilities prevent employees from easily finding all of the available job opportunities that could possibly match their skills, interests, and aspirations. Just as gen AI's capabilities can help recruiters and external job seekers when it comes to searching and matching, employees can also benefit. As I shared earlier, gen AI allows for natural language search at the conceptual level which means it actually understands what users type. Gene AI can also account for adjacent skills so employees will not only find direct job matches but also other roles they might be interested in. On top of this gen AI can automatically and proactively match and recommend jobs based on the employee's profile so employees don't even have to search for jobs. The jobs find them. To make sure the best results come from automated recommendations, Gen AI can be used to develop a low friction and truly conversational experience for employees to build their profiles. No one really enjoys building out yet another profile but Gen AI can make it an easy and pleasant experience. By providing employees with proactive profile content recommendations based on their past and current work experience as well as prompting employees to share their interests and career aspirations. Gen AI can be used to help build robust employee profiles that will return hyper-personalized and hyper-relevant job recommendations. When it comes to navigating a career within your company, employees can use Gen AI to explore a variety of potential paths based on their data rich profile receiving personalized information about different roles, responsibilities, and growth opportunities. Gen AI can perform skill gap analysis between the employee's profile and the roles they're interested in and then recommend a personalized learning and development plan to bridge those gaps. This could include projects, workshops, training programs and mentoring relationships with people who have taken similar paths that would enhance the employee's skills and make them more competitive for the roles they're interested in. As employees engage in their development plan, gen AI can deliver feedback on progress, analyze skills and achievements, and suggest adjustments if necessary to keep them on track with regard to their career goals. These are just a few of the possibilities that Gen AI can offer to facilitate internal mobility to drive improved employee experience and engagement, higher retention and reduce recruiting pressures associated with backfills. Now take a moment to reflect on how Gen AI could help with your company's internal mobility efforts.
