From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

Generative AI and the future of talent acquisition

From the course: Generative AI, Recruiting, and Talent Acquisition

Generative AI and the future of talent acquisition

- Imagine AI that is capable of writing and carrying a conversation, analyzing data and identifying insights, and demonstrating empathy and emotional awareness as well or better than a human being. How do you think that would impact recruiting and talent acquisition? This is what we already have today with generative AI, and with each passing day, the capabilities of this technology continue to advance. So recruiters and talent acquisition professionals like you need to be thinking about how this kind of technology will affect your current role and your career path, and how it will reshape the talent acquisition process and experience for everyone involved, applicants, employees, and hiring managers included. For sourcers and recruiters, you need to be aware that generative AI is capable of many of the core tasks normally performed by recruiters, such as finding, matching, and reaching out to talent; employer branding, screening applicants, providing candidates summaries for hiring managers, prepping candidates for interviews, negotiating offers, analyzing data, and more. In light of this, you also need to be thinking about where and how you can add the most value by providing the human element of the recruiting process. Generative AI will allow applicants to more easily find jobs that match their skills, interests, and aspirations; enjoy access to human-level conversational experiences at any time that's convenient for them, 24/7; and receive personalized communications and recommendations, effective interview preparation, and timely feedback throughout the recruitment process. Once an offer has been accepted, generative AI can facilitate the onboarding process, providing new employees with important information, training and support during their first 30 to 90 days. And after that, employees can benefit from generative AI capabilities through hyper-personalized job and career path recommendations, including skill gap analysis and recommendations for acquiring the skills necessary to advance and achieve their career goals. Hiring managers can use generative AI to be more directly involved in the recruiting process in a self-service capacity through automated talent sourcing, engagement, screening, interview scheduling, and communication with applicants through the entire recruitment lifecycle. These managers can also use generative AI for data analysis in support of talent supply and demand insights, predictive hiring, and workforce planning. Generative AI will profoundly impact nearly all elements of talent acquisition for new hires, as well as internal recruitment and mobility, and for all parties involved. Talent acquisition professionals should take this opportunity to continually rethink the recruitment process and experience, to maximize the potential of generative AI, to positively impact experience and operations. The advent of generative AI is transformative, and the possibilities make it perhaps the most exciting time to be in talent acquisition.
