From the course: Gamification of Learning

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Game thinking

Game thinking

Gamification is not just about game elements or game mechanics. Gamification is also about thinking like a game designer. It is about game thinking. Game thinking is approaching the design and process from the perspective of actions and activities. Applying the mechanics of games to nongame situations. Games demand action. They encourage engagement. They require the player to do something. And not just activity for activity's sake. Actions in games lead to meaningful outcomes, while the player typically navigates some sort of risk. Meaningful game outcomes involve overcoming challenges and solving problems through thoughtful decision making. Good games and by extension good gamification involve challenges, risks and meaningful outcomes that impact an audience member, prospective client or learner. Gamification is not bounded by technology or the need to be delivered online. It doesn't have to be digital. Instead, gamification is a design sensibility. It's a way of designing an…
