From the course: Five Hard Conversations You’ll Have in Your Career

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Navigating workplace changes

Navigating workplace changes

- Things are changing. I get it. You hate change. Welcome to humanity. Change is hard. So let's set you up for success to discuss change management with your management today. So when it comes to change, the most difficult part of it is typically one of two things. It's the communication about the change or it's your role in it and typically you not understanding where you fit into the picture. Let me give you an example. I was fresh on the job, fresh, and loved my manager, loved my manager. And within a few weeks, my manager changed. Hated it. It was a huge change adjustment. And after weeks of being miserable, I finally asked my new manager if I could have a meeting with him. And when I had the new conversation with my new manager, I felt good. I felt good because I was able to acknowledge what was happening, the elephant in the room. We talked about the change and then we came to a solution, and from there, our relationship got better. So when you're having these conversations with…
