From the course: Five Hard Conversations You’ll Have in Your Career

Introduction to hard conversations

- Let's face it and name it. Life would be so much easier without difficult conversations, but they're inevitable. With personality, poor communication, perceptions, and let's just face it, humanity, we're going to have these conversations from time to time, but instead of thinking about them as difficult, think about them as necessary. And the key for you is to prepare. Go into these conversations with all the preparation you can get from research, to conversations with friends, and make sure you walk away acknowledging the problem, being honest about your feelings and coming to common ground. Hey friend, I'm Keisha Mabry Haymore. I'm an author, a speaker, and a social entrepreneur on a mission to change the world, one connection at a time. I've transitioned careers 10 times in my life and served as an HR director for five. So I know a little something something about difficult conversations. In this short course, I want to chat with you about five difficult conversations you are going to have in the workplace, things like conflict resolution, salary negotiation, and career path conversations. Let's get started with some tips, tools and tidbits to set you up for success.
