From the course: Filmmaking Forum: Conversations

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Strategies for working effectively with assistant editors

Strategies for working effectively with assistant editors

From the course: Filmmaking Forum: Conversations

Strategies for working effectively with assistant editors

- Hi, everyone. In this episode of The Filmmaking Forum Conversations Course, we're dedicating the entire segment to working with assistant editors. This is everything from preparing the assistant, to the importance of being specific and nailing down a solid workflow. We'll also discuss demanding the best, but still treating assistants with great respect. I hope you enjoy. - Before I even get to the assistant, I definitely want to be in touch with the DP, and the director, and the producer, and understand exactly how we're shooting. You know, what camera are we shooting on, how many cameras, is there gonna be, um, you know, is it gonna be synced with timecode, or how is that gonna work, just so I know the sort of, the most streamlined process we can get for post. So usually in the feature world, there's not a post supervisor, so I end up sort of being the one who gets to dictate kind of the best practice for getting the dailies and then starting editing. Um, so once I know the camera,…
